Welcome to ikolam! :)
The combination of Aiswarya kolam with the pots & flowers is a great idea. Thank you for sharing your work here, and wish you a happy new year too. :)
That's a nice combination. Very good aishwarya kolam.
Welcome to ikolam
The Blue/violet Aishwarya kolam surronded by beautiful colored pots and flowers is looking great. Thanks for the wishes thru this kolam.
very nice kolam. Sorry to say that this aaishwarya rangoli must be drawn in front of god, not to be drawn in the areas where we walk very often with bare feet or using chappals.
romba beautiful and the colors look very bright and catchy
Thank you for your wishes dear :) Your aishwarya kolam looks like a sticker to me - very nicely done :)
beautiful aiswarrya kolam with pots and flowers.
rangoli come out very well. Aiswarya kolam colours are nice.
Quite nice and thematic. The colours for all pots and all flowers could have been the same to be in sync with the central pattern.
Regards! - mOhana
Center aiswarya kolam looks very pretty... and so is the kolam