aaaha ennaoru sweeeeeeeeeeet strokes excellent niths. :star: :star:
Beautiful presentation Nithya. Lovely kolam on a cow dung polished floor.
Thank you Bala Mam and Maha for your encouragement. :)
Looks very very nice on your wonderful floor Nithya maam... :)
wow lovely palich kolam on your wonderful floor niths :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: nicely made inspirational kolam niths dear :)
Thank you Bala Mam, Maha, Pushpa Mam, Sugu Mam and Rani Mam for your encouragement.
very neat and pretty nithya
beautiful kolam..nice design...
Very well made beautiful kolam Nithya. Your kolam is shining on the cowdung floor and looks very bright. Nice and neat strokes. :star: :star: Thanks for this inspiration kolam. :)
Thank you Sowmi, akka and uma for your encouragement. :)
Nice kolam Nithya