Apartment Kolams

judelined Tue, 02/03/2009 - 22:12
Wow, looks like this will fit on a single tile ...wouldn't even need 2 ft of space :) Judeline, maybe we should rename this kolam as "Studio kolams"! Apartments have a minimum of one room and is more roomier than a Studio. The following info is only for friends who may not know the meaning of Studio; Studios (the ones in US atleast), have an open room (living area) with a bathroom and a small kitchen. This is only for a single person and there are no rooms in them. Or, how about calling these as "bachelor" or "bachelorette" kolams! I can't stop laughing, I'm having too much fun with this concept, thanks for the ideas Judeline :)
Tue, 02/03/2009 - 22:24 Permalink
thank you lata - you make me feel so good - i really appreciate the time you have taken to comment on each kolam and the term "Studio Kolam" suits fine i suppose... will surely upload more kolams for this section...
Wed, 02/04/2009 - 07:47 Permalink