Gift to my Dad

Submitted by indira sundar on Sat, 06/19/2010 - 23:31
Dear Friends, "HAPPY FATHER'S Day" This wallhanging is made by me to my a gift on the special day...
Is this your childhood photo, Indiraji? Cute one!
Sun, 06/20/2010 - 08:57 Permalink
indira sundar
Jayaji this is not me..... this is my daughter Srenithy. this was made by her.....i missed to type her name.. -Indira Sundar
Sun, 06/20/2010 - 12:02 Permalink
hai indra mam...lovely gift to a dad ..because according to me a dad loves his grandchild a little bit extra than his own son or daughter...
Sun, 06/20/2010 - 19:23 Permalink
Srikutty this is so cute - I am sure your daddy was pleased with you :D
Mon, 06/21/2010 - 22:22 Permalink