Spring Garden Kolams - Hibiscus

judelined Tue, 05/04/2010 - 16:30
Hi friends - just bringing some of my kolams up in line in the comments box as I think they did not get seen due to some reason or the other. Eagerly waiting to hear your views on them :)
Sun, 06/06/2010 - 22:29 Permalink
nice hibiscus...since its on kitchen top...may be need some coconut coloring that you had done for one of your other flower design :)
Tue, 06/08/2010 - 21:48 Permalink
Thanks Anirudh for your comments. Wish I had some left over coconut so I could have coloured the flower like you said :)
Sat, 06/12/2010 - 02:05 Permalink