rangoli using crystal salt

Bhakya Tue, 12/20/2011 - 04:24
Wow...superb rangoli done using salt...d gliters r so nice... :)
Tue, 12/20/2011 - 19:29 Permalink
Padma Prakash
Wow, fantastic kolam. The texture looks soo good. How do mix colour to salt. Just the powder to salt or.....
Tue, 12/20/2011 - 21:18 Permalink
looks excellent,, d materials used bags a tonne applauses
Tue, 12/20/2011 - 21:53 Permalink
beautiful rangoli...little bit thick out line gives rich look ..i think..
Wed, 12/21/2011 - 00:44 Permalink
Very beautifully done rangoli with salt...good colour choice :)
Wed, 12/21/2011 - 00:53 Permalink